Classes By Age

Ages 1-2
Mini Movers
The best class to start for your one or two year old is Mini Movers. Mini Movers is specially designed to develop important developmental skills and to prepare your little one for the next level of class.
Mini Movers 1
Wednesdays 10:00-10:30
Saturdays 8:30-9:00
This class starts with structured play allowing your child to explore activities while the instructor works with children one on one. The class then does group activities, including circle time with songs, a tumbling and dance portion, obstacle course and parachute activities. This class is a perfect start with the comfort of a parent/grandparent/"big buddy" in the room.
Mini Movers 2
Wednesdays 10:00-10:25
Saturdays 8:45-9:15
This class is for students 2.5 - 3.5 years old. Mini Movers 2 is the perfect transition from Mini Movers into our 3-4 year old classes. It is structured like a Mini Combo class but is condensed into 30 minutes with a smaller class size to set your tiny dancer up for success!

Mini Dance 1 & Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2
Sign up your 3 - 4 year old for Mini Dance 1 or Hip-Hop Flip Flop 1&2. Mini Dance 1 consists of tap, ballet and creative movement. Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2 teaches hip-hop and basic tumbling skills like forward rolls and progressions that lead to handstands and cartwheels. Any of these classes will be lots of fun for your little one, so choose the best one for your schedule. There are a lot to choose from, but be sure to register quickly as our Mini classes typically fill fast!
Mini Dance 1
Mondays 5:00-5:40
Tuesdays 3:30-4:10
Wednesdays 10:30-11:10
Wednesdays 4:15-4:55
Fridays 3:30-4:10
Saturdays 9:15-9:55
Saturdays 11:30-12:10
Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2
Mondays 4:15-4:55
Wednesdays 5:00-5:40
Thursdays 3:30-4:10
Fridays 4:15-4:55
Saturdays 10:00-10:40
Ages 3-4

Ages 4-5
Mini Dance 2 & Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2
Sign up your 4 - 5 year old for Mini Dance 2 or Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2. These classes are structured like the 3-4 year old classes but build upon the skills taught in our Mini Dance 1 classes, preparing for Mini Dance 3 and beyond. Be sure to register quickly as our Mini classes typically fill fast!
Mini Dance 2
Mondays 5:45-6:25
Tuesdays 4:15-4:55
Fridays 5:00-5:40
Saturdays 10:45-11:25
Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 1&2
Mondays 4:15-4:55
Wednesdays 5:00-5:40
Thursdays 3:30-4:10
Fridays 4:15-4:55
Saturdays 10:00-10:40

Ages 5-6
Mini Dance 3 & Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 3
Sign up your 5-6 year old for Mini Dance 3 (tap, ballet and jazz) or Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 3 (hip-hop and tumbling). Being a little older, the dancers have a little more coordination and little more focus, allowing us to start making more corrections on their movement to prepare them for the B1 (Beginning 1) classes at 6 years old and beyond. Be sure to register quickly as our Mini classes typically fill fast!
Mini Dance 3
Mondays 3:30-4:10
Tuesdays 5:45-6:25
Wednesdays 5:00-5:40
Fridays 4:15-4:55
Saturdays 10:00-10:40
Hip-Hop, Flip Flop 3
Tuesdays 5:00-5:40
Wednesdays 5:45-6:25
Fridays 5:00-5:40
Saturdays 10:45-11:25

Ages 6 - 10
Beginning 1 (B1 6-10)
If your child is a beginner ages 6-10 years old, we recommend them starting in any of our B1(6-10) classes. This level is offered in various dance styles. We recommend starting in any style of interest, as all of the styles help improve coordination and build upon each other. Have a child that isn't interested in a particular style, but loves to dance and twirl around the house? Try Jazz! Jazz has the kicks, turns and leaps of ballet and the fun, fast pace of hip-hop. Want to improve your child's rhythm? Try tap! Many of our students start in one or two styles, and then add another style if they are enjoying Jibe!
Jazz B1
Wednesdays 4:15-4:55
Fridays 3:30-4:10
Saturdays 10:00-10:40
Tap B1
Wednesdays 3:30-4:10
Fridays 5:00-5:40
Saturdays 9:15-9:55
Ballet B1
Tuesdays 4:15-4:55
Thursdays 3:30-4:10
Saturdays 8:30-9:10
Hip-Hop B1
Tuesdays 3:30-4:10
Fridays 5:45-6:25
Saturdays 10:45-11:25
Tumbling B1
Mondays 3:30-4:10
Wednesdays 5:45-6:25
Musical Theater
Tuesdays 5:00-5:40
Fridays 4:15-4:55

Ages 10 - 16
Beginning 1, 2, 3 (B (10-16))
If your child is a beginner ages 10-16 years old, we recommend them starting in any of our B(10-16) classes. These classes allow your pre-teen and teens to learn to dance in classes with their peers. Our B(10-16) classes cover skills from levels B1-B3. Instructors differentiate instruction and teach new skills when each student is ready. Our goal is for each student to learn the skills necessary to "move up" into a class with an appropriate peer group. These classes are a fun way to learn to dance and a chance to make some great friends.
Jazz B(10-16)
Mondays 8:00-8:45
Tuesdays 7:15-7:55
Tap B(10-16)
Mondays 6:30-7:10
Hip-Hop B(10-16)
Tuesdays 6:30-7:10
Ballet B(10-16)
Mondays 7:15-7:55

Adult Classes
Over 18 and want to learn to dance? Did you used to dance as a kid and want to get back into for some fun? Our adult classes are perfect for you! Our adult classes are all about taking some time for you, getting some excerise that doesn't involve a treadmill and having some fun.
Adult Hip-Hop
Tuesdays 8:00-8:45 pm
Adult Ballet
Mondays 11:15 am-12:00 pm
Mondays 8:00 pm-8:45 pm
Adult Tap
Beginning: Wednesdays 10:55-11:25
Int./Adv.: Wednesdays 7:15-8:00
Adult Jazz
Wednesdays 8:00-8:45 pm
Ages 18-100

Of course, we have classes for you. We have leveled classes from beginning through advanced in various styles. We want to help you find the best fit based off of your age and level. If you need some help in determining the correct level, please contact us.